Saturday, April 19, 2014

Edible Art Game of Thrones Style

Every year, the marvelous lord and lady of House Hendron throw a Game of Thrones Premiere Bash, and my roommate and I are known for our themed cakes.  We have tackled the Wall and a map of Westeros, but this year we wanted to do something special.  In celebration of the nuptials of Jeoffrey and Margery we assembled a three tier wedding cake, and true to weddings in the GOT fashion, the inside was red velvet cake with a blood dark chocolate frosting.  This monster took three weeks of planning and one week of execution.


All the elements, except the hair net (wink to all the readers out there), are edible and delicious.  The home-made frosting and baking were all the work the talented baker Alareece, Jeoffrey's marzipan crown is mine, roses and assembly was pure teamwork.

Three cheers to our hosts for such a stupendous wedding feast.